Writings on Jarrett's Desk

Achieve your freedom through writings from anywhere you want


Document my insights to help you achieve your goals faster (more to come...)

33 lessons as a remote SWE

The assumption as software engineers are we make a lot of money. It actually depends on many factors (especially location). But if you know how to differentiate yourself from the competitions, you can be successful anywhere you want. My lessons are very personal to my journey as a remote software engineer in Malaysia.

Bounce Back Movement

My protocol on how I managed to bounce back from hitting rock bottom in the year of 2023 - 2024. This is the best thing that happened to me, but it's also a double-edged sword so this resource is for your to recognize how you can do it the way that can help you bounce back as fast as you can.


Writings to myself

(so you can benefit from them too)